Peace. It’s a valuable commodity that not nearly enough people get the
privilege to enjoy. To have peace in one’s heart, peace in one’s home; that
is something to cherish. So many people today endure anxiety, and the
number of individuals living in troublesome households is far too high.
Those in abusive relationships suffer beyond the physical and emotional
abuse. The anxiety that is induced by such traumatic living conditions
weighs heavily. No peace in their heart. No peace in their home.
At this time of year, there is a lot of focus on the wish for peace in the
world. It’s easy to look at war-torn countries and international violence and
feel overwhelmed and unsure what to do. Maybe you can’t negotiate a
treaty between governments, but there is something you can do to bring
about peace. Look to the individuals in your own community who need a
way of escape, a place to rest, someone to confide in, and a path to peace
in their lives. This is where you can take action and have a real impact.
Give of your resources: your time, your treasure, your talents. Partner with
people and organizations that make a real difference in your community.
We can’t all do big, grand things, but we can each do a small thing, and
together we can give the gift of peace to those in need.
As the song says, “Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.”*

*songwriter credit to Jill Jackson-Miller and Sy Miller, 1955